Patient Participation Group

Welcome to the Stonefield Surgery Patient Participation Group (PPG) page

We represent the patients of Stonefield Surgery and aim to enhance the communication between the surgery and the patients in a positive way in collaboration with the Practice Manager. 

We are actively looking for more patients to join the group. Our feedback is used by the practice to develop their services and to benefit the wider community. 

If you are over 16 years of age and would like to join the group, just turn up on the day or contact the practice directly in advance to request an agenda for the meeting.  

Meetings are held every other month at the surgery from 4.30pm. 

Our next meetings are:-

Wed 18th December 2024 

Wed 12th February 2025

Wed 16th April 2025

Wed 18th June 2025

Wed 13th August 2025

Wed 15th October 2025

Wed 17th December 2025

For more information, please email  

Minutes of meeting

PPG Minutes 30th October 2024.docx

PPG Minutes 28th August 2024.docx

PPG Minutes 26th June 2024.docx


Patient Group Leaflet - 2024.docx

Patient Group Leaflet - 2025.docx


Our PPG member has kindly donated 4  Bird Boxes.pptx placed around the surgery. 

A further 10 bird boxes have now been installed around the surgery ready for spring and we will monitor the usage from our little flying friends.